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Moshe Yanovskiy

Закладки по теме "будни всеобщей избирательной привилегии". Когда сброд включая преступников голосует, находятся политики, выражающие интересы этого сброда, включая натурально и преступников.

Alleged Lee Zeldin Attacker Already Released Without Bail

House Dems Reject Resolution Condemning Attacks on Churches, Anti-abortion Groups

Alleged Lee Zeldin Attacker Already Released Without Bail - The Jewish Voic…
John Nolte (Breitbart) The man accused of attacking Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) with a sharp weapon has already been released…
House Dems Reject Resolution Condemning Attacks on Churches, Anti-abortion …
House Democrats on Friday rejected a resolution condemning recent attacks on churches, anti-abortion centers and groups,…
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