Две закладки "о расизме"
Hitler’s multicultural supporters
“The world today needs a Hitler,” CNN correspondent Adeel Raja tweeted. Tala Halawa, the BBC’s “Palestinian” specialist, had previously tweeted a rant that included #HitlerWasRight.
Researchers have found that the #HitlerWasRight hashtag was intertwined not just with the usual white supremacists, but with more “progressive” hashtags like #FreePalestine.
Raja, a Pakistani Muslim, and Halawa, who hails from Israel’s so-called 'West Bank', don’t fit the image of what people think Hitler’s fanbase looks like, but they’re more typical than you might think...
Elon Musk is antisemitic and George Soros isn't? Huh?
The European Union Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) lays down five criteria to pick out anti-Semites from genuine critics of Israel.
Denial of the right of Jewish people to self-determination
Applying double standards by requiring of Israel a behaviour not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation
Applying symbols and images connected with classic anti-Semitism to characterize Jews or Israelis
Drawing a comparison of Israeli policy to that of the Nazis
Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the State of Israel.