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Moshe Yanovskiy

Возможно более широкая кооперация с американскими консерваторами нашим правым крайне полезна - есть очень много чему у них поучиться:

The conservative battle to ‘defend the people from international progressive liberal tyranny’ is going global, says MK Atty. Simcha Rothman.

CPAC Chair: It could be G-d’s time for conservatives in US and Israel to partner

И прежде всего отношению к государству как к слуге, приверженности принципу Limited Government, свободной экономике и капитализму.

MK Atty. Simcha Rothman: ‘For many years the left was global and the right …
The conservative battle to ‘defend the people from international progressive liberal tyranny’ is going global, says MK A…
CPAC Chair: It could be G-d’s time for conservatives in US and Israel to pa…
CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp talks about the success of the first CPAC International Conservative Conference in Israel.
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