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Moshe Yanovskiy

Mr. Jones and the Soviet Lie
Directed by Agnieszka Holland and based on a true story, Mr. Jones (2019) depicts a young Welsh journalist, Gareth Jones, as he travels into the Ukrainian hinterland in the early 1930s to investigate the results of Stalin’s farm collectivization. Jones’ report gave the West its first glimpse into the hellish landscape of the Ukrainian famine.
Автор фильма сама изрядное гэ но все же не Walter Duranty и его многочисленные западные последователи лгавшие о достижениях и успехах социализма.
Гаррет Джонс, убитый, по всей видимости НКВД за разоблачение искусственного голода на Украине и его последствий надеюсь удался старой стерве.

Mr. Jones and the Soviet Lie
"Socialism not only hollows out economies, but also makes truth the enemy of the people. And when silence overwhelms a n…
A Polish director with Jewish heritage made a movie about the migrant crisi…
An association for European filmmakers came to Holland’s defense, noting that she is the daughter of an officer involved…
Jewish Telegraphic AgencyWWW.JTA.ORG
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