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Moshe Yanovskiy

Действительно - они так старались задокументировать зверства, а американские леваки не верят в то что Хамас совершил зверские преступления. Как обычно в сатирическом материале Вавилонской пчелы - сатира превратившаяся в почти документальный репортаж 🙁
GAZA — Members of the terrorist organization Hamas were left frustrated after hearing many leftists in the United States and throughout the world were skeptical that Hamas had brutally massacred over 1,300 Jewish civilians after Hamas had put serious effort into livestreaming the atrocities.

"What's a guy have to do around here to get credit for mass murder?" asked Hamas terrorist Durka Mohammed. "We provide video after video clearly identifying our victims as helpless women and children, we film the execution, we leave the bodies out for evidence...what more do you people want from us??"

Hamas Disappointed Liberals Don't Believe They Massacred Jews After They We…
GAZA — Members of the terrorist organization Hamas were left frustrated after hearing many leftists in the United States…
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