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Moshe Yanovskiy

Месячник гордости извращениями в одном из уголков Калифорнии. Родители обнаруживают чем потчуют их детей в школе и делятся этой информацией.
Им отвечают, что все что они видят своими глазами - misinformation - а школа продолжит пичкать детей гомосятиной и социализмом, поскольку такова новая норма.
Очень важно - извращения неразрывно связаны с новой волной наступающего социализма (претендующего на то, чтобы поставить государство на место Б...га). Также как ложь, насилие, промывка мозгов.

We will also teach that LGBTQ+ is everybody, every society, every culture group, every age, over all time, with the only difference being the degree to which dominant entities are willing to cause injury, physically or emotionally, to others in an attempt to enforce conformity to their own narrow construction of ‘normality’ while perhaps even hinting (Danger, is my middle name) that not only is socialism the normal human condition … but also that we are all probably best described as Queer ...

The school principal literally lied to me and told me there was no girl in the boys’ locker room with my son. My son spent almost an entire year disrobing with a girl in his locker room and he feels lied to and violated. Why do they bend over backward for gender dysphoric kids and completely ignore the basic rights of the rest of the kids?

Parents Draw Fire From Antifa for Protesting Elementary 'Pride' Event
Antifa and a local drag gueen call parents "hate groups" for protesting a "Pride Day" at an elementary school in Glendal…
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