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Moshe Yanovskiy

Judea-Samaria Is forever, but Modern Orthodoxy in America is not
While Israel is secure and forever, peril faces American Jewry. Not only are non-Orthodox rapidly self-destructing and disappearing, but these fault lines extend into “Modern Orthodoxy”.
Op-ed. by Rabbi Prof. Dov Fischer

Внушающие оптимизм напоминания об Израиле и не внушающие - о старых "официальных" организациях ортодоксов в США. Такими темпами и на старый добрый экшер Orthodox Union нельзя будет полагаться.

Judea-Samaria Is forever, but Modern Orthodoxy in America is not
While Israel is secure and forever, peril faces American Jewry. Not only are non-Orthodox rapidly self-destructing and d…
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