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Moshe Yanovskiy

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Former Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz: Release all the terrorists from the prisons
Former Chief of Staff and Defense Minister says he supports the release of all terrorists from Israeli prisons in exchange for hostages being held by Hamas.
He was asked about his support for the 2005 Disengagement from Gaza and replied, "First of all, I take responsibility for the Disengagement, I am proud of this move. Proud of this move. Only now are the citizens of Israel realizing what would have happened to all those 10,000 settlers in 2005 if they had continued to stay in the Gaza Strip near the claws of these predators. There would be an incident involving Hamas every other day."

Israel National News
Oct 29, 2023, 3:43 AM (GMT+2)

שאול מופז קורא לשחרר את כל המחבלים מהכלא וגאה בתכנית ההתנתקות
"שיקחו את כל 6,000 האסירים - וישיבו את כל החטופים שלנו", טען הרמטכ"ל ושר הביטחון לשעבר שאול מופז.
Former Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz: Release all the terrorists from the pr…
Former Chief of Staff and Defense Minister says he supports the release of all terrorists from Israeli prisons in exchan…
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