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Moshe Yanovskiy

Просто несколько закладок.
Самая мерзкая - как бы "евреи" из секты "евреи за гитлера-арафата-хамас":

Не только меня мучает вопрос как они так оскотинились: How US college students became Hitler Youth
Уверен, что их и этим не проймешь:
Today's "freedom fighters' abduct and torture Holocaust surivvors
The videos should be shown to our progressives who read these mass murders through the lens of their “social justice” ideology.
А что, так можно было? https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/378807
The myth that Israel/Netanyahu created/funded Hamas
The truth behind the social media anti-Israel lies.
Exploiting the Big Lie theory to blame Israel for Islamic Jihad misfire
Since the 10-7 Hamas pogrom on Israelis, I have been calling upon every decent individual in the world to wake up and condemn Hamas.

How US college students became Hitler Youth
By the thousands, they’ve become storm troopers and a generation of Hitler Youth. Op-ed.
Holland’s Christians Fearlessly Proclaim: We Stand With Israel
Christians for Israel and Shalva hold 4 pro-Israel events in the Netherlands following Hamas massacre, mobilizing thousa…
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